
Rumsan (eSatya, AgriClear, Rahat, AskBhunte, Lonetree, Hamrolife Bank, Blockchain Foundation Nepal and Edushala) does not provide any investment advice, financial advice, or trading related to cryptocurrency. We are not involved in promoting endorsement, guarantee, warranty, or recommendation on cryptocurrencies trading. We do not ask or provide wallet addresses to send/receive cryptocurrencies. We are not responsible for any misleading information sent through the name of Rumsan or its products (eSatya, AgriClear, Rahat, AskBhunte, Lonetree, Hamro lifeBank, Blockchain Foundation Nepal and Edushala).

Rumsan (eSatya, AgriClear, Rahat, AskBhunte, Lonetree, Hamrolife Bank, Blockchain Foundation Nepal र Edushala) ले क्रिप्टोकरेन्सीसँग सम्बन्धित लगानी सल्लाह, वित्तीय सल्लाह, वा व्यापारको बारेमा कुनै जानकारी प्रदान गर्दैन। हामी अनुमोदन, ग्यारेन्टी, वारेन्टी, वा क्रिप्टोकरेन्सी व्यापारमा सिफारिस प्रवर्द्धनमा संलग्न छैनौं। हामी cryptocurrencies पठाउन/प्राप्त गर्न वालेट ठेगाना सोध्दैनौं वा प्रदान गर्दैनौं। Rumsan (eSatya, AgriClear, Rahat, AskBhunte, Lonetree, Hamro lifeBank, Blockchain Foundation Nepal र Edushala) को नामबाट पठाइएका भ्रामक जानकारीका लागि हामी जिम्मेवार हुने छैनौं।